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Take six tablespoons scraped chocolate, or three of chocolate and three of cocoa, dissolve in a quart of boiling water, boil hard fifteen minutes, add one quart of rich milk, let scald and serve hot; this is enough for six persons. Cocoa can also be made after this receipt. Some boil either cocoa or chocolate only one minute and then serve, while others make it the day before using, boiling it for one hour, and when cool skimming off the oil, and when wanted for use, heat it to the boiling point and add the milk. In this way it is equally good and much more wholesome. Cocoa is from the seed of the fruit of a small tropical tree. There are several forms in which it is sold, the most nutritious and convenient being chocolate, the next cocoa, then cocoa nibs, and last cocoa shells. The ground bean is simply cocoa; ground fine and mixed with sugar it is chocolate; the beans broken into bits are "nibs." The shells are the shells of the bean, usually removed before grinding. The beans are roasted like coffee, and ground between hot rollers.



Take a good-sized cupful of ground coffee, and pour into a quart of boiling water, with the white of an egg and the crushed shell. Stir well together, adding a half-cupful of cold water to clear. Put into the coffee-boiler and boil for about a quarter of an hour; after standing for a little to settle, pour into your coffee-pot, which should be well-scalded, and send to the table. The coffee should be stirred as it boils. To make coffee au lait, take a pint each of hot made coffee and boiling milk; strain through thin muslin into coffee-pot, to get rid of the grounds, and serve hot.


ICED TEA image

Prepare tea in the morning, making it stronger and sweeter than usual; strain and pour into a clean stone jug or glass bottle, and set aside in the ice-chest until ready to use. Drink from goblets without cream. Serve ice broken in small pieces on a platter nicely garnished with well-washed grape-leaves. Iced tea may be prepared from either green or black alone, but it is considered an improvement to mix the two. Tea made like that for iced-tea (or that left in the tea-pot after a meal), with sugar to taste, a slice or two of lemon, a little of the juice, and some pieces of cracked ice, makes a delightful drink. Serve in glasses.



Have ready a kettle of water boiling fast, pour some into the teapot, let it remain for a few minutes, then throw it out; measure a teaspoonful of tea for each two persons, put it in the pot pour on it about a gill of boiling water, cover it close for five minutes, then fill it up; have a covered pitcher of boiling water with it; when two cups are poured from it, fill it up; you will thus keep the strength good and equal. If the company is large, it is best to have some of the tea drawn in the covered pitcher, and replenish the tea-pot or urn when it is exhausted.

Egg Nogg

Egg Nogg image

Beat the yolk of 1 egg slightly and add 3/4 tablespoonful sugar, 1/4 tablespoonful vanilla and a few grains of salt; then add gradually 2-3 cup of cold milk. Strain into a glass, sprinkle with a few gratings of nutmeg, and add the white of 1 egg, beaten until stiff and dry.

Egg Lemonade

Egg Lemonade image

Beat 1 egg until thick and lemon-colored, using an egg beater. Add the juice of 1 orange and 1 lemon, and sweeten to taste, using powdered sugar. Pour into a glass one-third full of finely crushed ice. Place on a plate covered with a lace paper doily and accompany with straws. This is a very refreshing beverage.

Beef Tea

Beef Tea image

One pound of juicy beef, cut from the round, remove all fat and cut into very small pieces. Put in an earthen pot and add a quart of cold water, cover it closely and let it soak an hour, then simmer gently for 2 hours or more, or until the strength is quite extracted from the beef. Strain and season with salt and pepper.



To 3 qts. fresh, ripe, juicy grapes, freed from the stems, put 1 qt. water, no sugar. Let come slowly to a boil, and when the whole mass is boiling hot strain the juice through cheese cloth. Then return liquor to the fire, and as soon as it arrives at boiling point again, can it in glass jars. An excellent and refreshing drink.



Stir the whites of 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of sugar, the juice of 1 lemon, until the sugar is well mixed. Add cup of cold water, strain into a tumbler and serve at once.