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Concord Grape Wine II

Concord Grape Wine II image

10 lbs. ripe grapes, stemmed
3 qts. boiling water
5 lbs. sugar

Put grapes in crock and pour in boiling water. When cool enough to handle, squeeze with hands without crushing seeds. The grapes need not be mashed to a dry pulp. Cover with muslin and let stand 3 days. Strain through muslin, squeezing lightly. Add sugar and stir. Cover and let stand 1 week. Uncover and skim carefully. Strain again, bottle and cork tightly. Lay bottle on side and store in a cool place away from light. Ready for use in 2-3 months.

Yield: about 2 gallons

Concord Grape Wine I

Concord Grape Wine I image

10 lbs. ripe grapes, stemmed
5 lbs. sugar

Put grapes in an open crock and squeeze or mash by using 2 smooth boards. Cover crock with muslin and let stand at room temperature for 1 week. Stir once or twice during that period. Strain through muslin. Do not squeeze the mashed grapes while straining. Return wine to the crock and add the sugar, dissolved with some of the grape juice. Cover with muslin and let stand 7 days longer at room temperature. Fill bottles with wine, but do not cork tightly. Store away from light for 1 month. Taste and add more dissolved sugar if desired. Store in a cool place away from light. Will be ready for use in 3 months. Matures and increases in strength rapidly after that initial period.

Yield: approximately 2-2 1/2 gallons

Beef Tea

Beef Tea image

Scrape round steak. Put in glass can with cold water,
and small pinch of salt. Cover can closely, put in warm
Water and cook 4 hours.

Lemon Albumen

Lemon Albumen image

Separate yolk and white of one egg. Put white through
fine sieve to break into particles. Add juice of one lemon,
water, and little sugar.

Orange Egg Nog

Orange Egg Nog image

One egg, well beaten, juice of 2 or more oranges, sufficient to fill a glass. Serve iced.

Egg Nog

Egg Nog image

Beat the yolk and white of one egg separately until very light. Add milk, sugar, and flavoring to fill a glass.

Peach Brandy

Peach Brandy image

Clingstone peaches
3-4 C. sugar to each 2 qt. jar

Use peaches when ripe, but not soft to the pressure of finger tip. Pack peaches in 2 qt. glass jars with wide openings. Pour proper amount of sugar into jars and adjust covers loosely. Shake jars once a day for one week or until juice begins to form and all sugar is dissolved. The juice should cover the fruit by that time. Tighten lids and store in a cool dark
place for 3 months. The brandy may be strained and bottled any time after that. Yield depends on juiciness of the fruit.

Cherry Cordial

Cherry Cordial image

6 lb. large sweet cherries
1/2 pt. brandy
2 1/2 lb. sugar
1/2 qt. boiled water, chilled

Stem, wash and drain cherries. Place in crock and add sugar and brandy. Cover with double fold of muslin. Keep at room temperature. Stir each day for 4-5 days to dissolve the sugar completely. Cover tightly, and let stand 2 weeks. Stir in water, cover and store in cool place. Can be bottled after 6 weeks. The cherries drained from this cordial may be used for preserves. They are delicious eaten just as is. Yield depends upon juiciness of cherries.

Raisin Wine

Raisin Wine image

2 lb. light raisins
1 lemon, rind and juice
6 qts. cold water
3 sticks cinnamon (approximately 1 ounce)
1 lb. sugar

Chop raisins and add other ingredients in the order listed, using a large well covered crock. Let stand covered at room temperature for 1 week. Stir once a day to keep mixture well under the cover. Fermentation will make the liquid rise and bubble over if not given at least 4 inches of space under the cover. Strain at the end of the week. A muslin cloth placed in a large funnel over another crock makes an excellent strainer. Place liquid in bottles, cover tightly and store in a cool place away from light at least two weeks before using.

Yields approximately 1 1/2 gallons.

Concord Grape Wine II

Concord Grape Wine II image

10 lbs. ripe grapes stemmed
3 qts. boiling water
5 lbs. sugar

Put grapes in crock and pour in boiling water. When cool enough to handle, squeeze with hands without crushing seeds. The grapes need not be mashed to a dry pulp. Cover with muslin and let stand 3 days. Strain through muslin, squeezing lightly. Add sugar and stir. Cover and let stand 1 week. Uncover and skim carefully. Strain again, bottle and cork tightly. Lay bottle on side and store in a cool place away from light. Ready for use in 2-3 months. Yields about 2 gallons.