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Pickled Cucumbers

Pickled Cucumbers image

Wipe the amount you wish to pickle, place layer of cucumbers in jar,
with slight layer of salt alternately, until jar is full; then pour
over this boiling water until the cucumbers are covered. Let stand 24 hours, then drain, scald vinegar sufficient to cover. Flavor with whole spices, brown sugar, red pepper. Green tomatoes, cauliflower, small onions may be done in the same way.

Pickled Cucumbers

Pickled Cucumbers image

For a panful of freshly picked cucumbers add a handful of salt and small piece alum, cover with boiling water. When cold put into vinegar. When all the cucumbers are gathered turn off the old vinegar. Spice or pepper if desired, and press down with weight for use. These will keep in crocks the year through.

Grape Catsup

Grape Catsup image

Cook together 8 pounds of grapes, 4 pounds of sugar, 1 qt. of vinegar,
3 level tablespoons of ground cloves and the same of cinnamon. If the spice is liked very strong, measure the tablespoons slightly rounding. After cooking 2 hours at a moderate heat, strain through a colander and seal in bottles.

Ripe Cucumber Catsup

Ripe Cucumber Catsup image

Twelve ripe cucumbers, 4 onions. Grate and remove the seeds. Let stand over night in a colander, measure juice. Do not use the juice, but add as much vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste. Bottle as other catsup.

Tomato Catsup

Tomato Catsup image

Wipe and break into pan or kettle 1 peck nice, ripe, juicy
tomatoes. Cook till tender. When cool enough put through
sieve and replace over the fire. Add salt, 1/2 cup each cloves,
allspice; 1 pt. best vinegar before boiling, and boil 1 hour. Bottle
or put in jugs, it will keep as well in open jars, for 2 years.

Tomato Catsup

Tomato Catsup image

One peck of tomatoes, 6 tablespoonfuls of salt, 4 tablespoonfuls
of mustard, 2 tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, 1/2 tablespoonful
of allspice, 1/2 tablespoonful of cloves, 1/2 tablespoonful of black
pepper, 1/2 tablespoonful cayenne, 1 pt. of vinegar. Boil the
tomatoes until tender, rub through a sieve to remove seeds, add
seasoning and simmer 3 hours.

Antwerp Sauce

Antwerp Sauce image

Four common sized onions, 1/2 peck ripe tomatoes, skinned;
2 red peppers, 1/2 scant teacup of salt, 1 teacup of white sugar,
3/4 teacup of white mustard seed, 1 teacup grated horse-radish,
2 tablespoons each of cloves, cinnamon and black pepper,
3 tablespoons celery seed and 1 qt. cider vinegar. Chop peppers and
onions very fine, chop tomatoes and drain them; mix well with
the spices and put in a stone jar with a cover. Do not cook.

Celery Sauce

Celery Sauce image

Sixteen large ripe tomatoes, 5 onions, 1 red pepper, 4 heads of celery,
3 1/2 cups vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls of salt, 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Chop fine and boil until thick (one hour or more).

Cold Catsup

Cold Catsup image

Four qts. of tomatos after they have been mashed fine and run through a sieve, 1 qt. grated horse-radish, 1 qt. cider vinegar, 1 teacup sugar,
1 teacup salt, 1 teacup mustard, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1/2 cup grated onion, 1/2 cup celery seed, 2 teaspoons black pepper, 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper, 2 teaspoons allspice. Mix all together thoroughly and bottle.

Chili Sauce

Chili Sauce image

Twenty-four ripe tomatoes, 8 onions, 12 green peppers,
4 tablespoons salt, 8 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons cinnamon,
4 teaspoons ginger, 8 teacups vinegar; peppers and onions chopped
fine, put all together and boil 3 hours.