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Strawberry Jelly

Strawberry Jelly image

In strawberry season make the strawberry syrup with 1 lb. of sugar to 1 pt. of juice. Seal and set away. When making crabapple jelly heat the strawberry syrup and add half as much crabapple jelly; boil together a few minutes. The jelly will have the strawberry flavor and the crabapple will cause it to jell.

Raspberry Jam

Raspberry Jam image

To 5 or 6 pounds of fine red raspberries (not too ripe) add an equal quantity of the finest quality of white sugar. Mash the whole well in a preserving-kettle; add about 1 qt. of currant juice (a little less will do), and boil gently until it jellies upon a cold plate; then put into small jars; cover with brandied paper, and tie a thick white paper over them. Keep in a dark, dry, and cool place.

Peach Marmalade

Peach Marmalade image

Peel ripe peaches, stone them, and cut them small; weigh 3/4 of a pound of sugar for each pound of cut fruit, and a teacup of water for each pound of sugar; set it over the fire; when it boils, skim it clear, then put in the peaches, let them boil quite fast; mash them fine, and let them boil until the whole is a jellied mass, and thick, then put it in small jars or tumblers; when cold, secure it as directed for jellies. Half a pound of sugar for a pound of fruit will make nice marmalade.

Quince Marmalade

Quince Marmalade image

Gather the fruit when fully ripe; pare, quarter and core it; boil the skins with as many teacupfuls of water as you have pounds of quinces: when they are soft, mash them, and strain the water from them, and put it to the quinces; boil them until they are soft enough to mash them fine; rub them through a sieve; put to the pulp as many pounds of sugar; stir them together, and set them over a gentle fire, until it will fall from a spoon, like jelly; or try some in a saucer. If it jellies when cold, it is enough. Put it in pots or tumblers, and when cold, secure as directed for jelly.

Currant Jelly

Currant Jelly image

Twelve lbs. fruit, 6 lbs. sugar, Mash currants with 1 pt. water and boil 20 minutes. Let drip, but not squeeze, then boil juice 4 minutes longer and add sugar. The moment the sugar is dissolved the jelly is done.

Currant Jelly

Currant Jelly image

Boil the juice hard 20 minutes. Have your sugar in a crock or large jar,
1 lb. of sugar to 1 pt. of juice, pour your juice boiling hot over the cold sugar and stir until sugar is thoroughly dissolved, then fill your glasses and set away to harden.

Spiced Currant Jelly

Spiced Currant Jelly image

Five pts. of juice, 5 lbs. of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoonful of mace, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar. Make same as jelly and boil 20 minutes.

Cranberry Jelly

Cranberry Jelly image

Cook with the cranberries 1/2 as many cups of sugar as there are cups of cranberries and 1/2 as many cups of water as sugar. Boil and strain.

Blackberry Jam

Blackberry Jam image

Put the blackberries in a porcelain lined kettle, simmer slowly till very tender. Put through a sieve, measure the liquid and for 1 pt. take 1 pt. of granulated sugar. Boil together 20 minutes and it is ready to seal.

Orange Marmalade

Orange Marmalade image

Six oranges, 3 lemons. Pare the oranges and lemons and cut the rinds into shreds. Take off and throw away the thick, white inner skin. To 1 pt. of sliced orange and lemon take 1 1/2 pts. water. Cook 1/2 hour and let stand over night. To 1 pt. of mixture add 1 1/2 lbs. of sugar. Boil 40 minutes.