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Concord Grape Wine I

Concord Grape Wine I image

10 lbs. stemmed ripe grapes
5 lbs. sugar

Put grapes in an open crock and squeeze or mash by using two smooth boards. Cover crock with muslin and let stand at room temperature for 1 week. Stir once or twice during that period. Strain through muslin. Do not squeeze the mashed grapes while straining. Return wine to the crock and add the sugar, dissolved with some of the grape juice. Cover with muslin and let stand 7 days longer at room temperature. Fill bottles with wine, but do not cork tightly. Store away from light for one month. Taste and add more dissolved sugar if desired. Store in a cool place away from light. Will be ready for use in 3 months. Matures and increases in strength rapidly after that initial period. Yields approximately 2 to 2 1/2 gallons.

