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Taiglach image
Naomi Lansky

8 eggs 1 C. sugar 4 1/2 C. flour 1 t. ginger 2 t. baking powder 1/2 C. walnuts (cut up) 1 1b. honey

Mix eggs, flour and baking powder thoroughly and knead well. Dough should be soft but stiff enough to roll. Roll with hands by bits into long ropes 1/2 inch in diameter. Use very little flour in rolling to avoid toughness. Slice in 1/2 inch lengths. Heat oven to 350°. While oven is heating bring to boil the honey, ginger and sugar in a shallow broad bottomed pan. Put into this the particles of raw dough while syrup is boiling. Then place pan immediately into the oven. Do not open for first 15 or 20 minutes. By this time the honey will have coated each piece of dough. Now, stir every 10 minutes to prevent particles from sticking to each other. Allow 1 hour for baking. The pieces should be brown and when tested in cold water should remain firm and crisp. Pour onto moistened board, flatten, sprinkle nuts on top and cut into squares. Makes 40 pieces. Will keep indefinitely.

