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Cinnamon Buns

Cinnamon Buns image
Miss Estelle Scholey

2 ounces butter
3 eggs
1/2 yeast cake
1 pint milk
1 teaspoon salt

Put milk in double boiler to scald. Beat eggs until light and pour scalded milk over them. Add butter and let stand until luke warm. Then add the yeast, salt, and sufficient flour to make a thin batter. Beat thoroughly and continuously for five minutes. Stand in warm place overnight. In the morning add 1 cup flour and beat well. Then add sufficient flour, a little at a time, working all the while with the hands to make a soft dough. Remove to board and knead lightly for ten minutes (this must not be as stiff as bread dough). Place back in pan and let rise until very light. Then take out about half the dough on board and roll into a thin sheet. Spread lightly with butter, cover thickly with sugar, and sprinkle with dried currants and cinnamon. Roll tightly into a long roll. Cut through this roll in pieces about 2 inches long. Place buns flat, closely together in a greased pan. Roll out other half of dough in similar manner. Cover and stand again in warm place until very light. Bake in a moderately quick oven for one-half hour. Turn out of pan while hot.


Yeast Bread