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Marshmallow Cream

Marshmallow Cream image
Mrs. E. S. George

One teaspoonful gelatine
3 tablespoonfuls cold milk
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar
white of 1 egg
1/8 pound marshmallows
1 banana
1 tablespoonful lemon juice
1/2 cup Malaga grapes
1 teaspoonful vanilla
cherries or nut meats

Method: Dissolve gelatine in milk; set in pan of hot water. When dissolved, but still warm, add cream (some-what beaten) and sugar. Prepare banana by slicing and covering with lemon juice. Add beaten egg white to mixture marshmallows (broken) and fruits. Garnish with cherries, grapes or nut meats. Chill before serving.

