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Rice Balls

Rice Balls image

Thoroughly mix a brimming tablespoonful of lemon juice
with a pint of cold, boiled and well-drained rice. Press into
tight balls the size of a walnut. Drop in hot fat until a golden
brown. Drain on paper, dust with pulverized sugar and serve
at once. Very delicate.


Risotto image

(Recipe from an Italian restaurant in London.)
Rice already cooked. Chop an onion of medium size, put in
fryingpan with piece of butter larger than the onion. After it
begins to fry add the rice, stir carefully with wooden spoon and
add slowly 2 cups of pure white bouillon. Let it cook slowly for
a few moments. Add a little powdered saffron or curry and
sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Serve as hot as possible. This
dish is very nice for an entree at luncheon or for a relish with
cold meat for supper.

Rice Croquettes

Rice Croquettes image

One-half cup of rice, 1 pint of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls of
sugar, 3 eggs, a little grated lemon peel, 1 tablespoonful butter,
1 saltspoon of salt. Put rice and milk in double boiler and cook
until soft. Add sugar, salt and butter; then stir in egg beaten
lightly and cook a few minutes longer. Remove from fire and
add lemon peel, pour on greased platter and when cool mould
into balls or cone shaped. Roll in egg and cracker and fry in
wire basket in hot lard.

Rice Croquettes

Rice Croquettes image

One teacup of rice, 1 pt. of milk, 1 pt. of water. Boil together
in farina boiler till kernels of rice are scarcely or not
at all to be seen. Then 'add 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of butter,
2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 2 eggs beaten well together, the juice and
grated rind of a lemon, a little salt and cinnamon or mace; let
cool and then mould. Roll in egg and cracker crumbs and fry in
hot lard.

Rice Croquettes

Rice Croquettes image

(From Miss Parloa.)
For 18 croquettes use 1/2 a cupful of raw rice, 3 gills of stock, 1 cupful of strained tomato, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, 4 tablespoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1-10 of a teaspoonful of cayenne, 1 teaspoonful of onion juice, 4 eggs and crumbs for breading. Wash the rice and boil with the stock for 10 minutes. Now add the strained tomato, onion juice, salt and cayenne, and cook for 20 minutes longer. If the rice is found to be tender now, add the cheese and 2 of the eggs, well beaten. Stir for 1 minute and take from the fire immediately. Spread on a platter and set away to cool; when cold shape and then bread with remaining 2 eggs and the crumbs. Fry 1 1/2 minutes; arrange on a warm napkin and serve very hot.

Turkish Pilaff

Turkish Pilaff image

One cup of stewed and strained tomatoes, 1 cup of stock,
seasoned highly with salt, pepper and minced onion. When
boiling add 1 cup of well washed rice; stir lightly with a fork
until the liquor is absorbed, then add 1/2 cup of butter. Set on
the back of the stove in double boiler, and steam 20 minutes.
Remove the cover, stir it lightly, cover with a towel and let the
steam escape. Makes a very hearty dish and is especially good
served with mutton. Or: Prepare as above and add with the
butter 1 cup of cooked meat, cut into 1/2 inch pieces and shredded

How To Boil Rice

How To Boil Rice image

Pick your rice clean and wash in 2 cold waters, not draining off the last water until you are ready to put the rice on the fire. Prepare a saucepan with cold water and a little salt. When it boils sprinkle in the rice gradually so as not to stop the boiling. Boil hard for 20 minutes keeping the pot covered; then take it from the fire, pour off the water, after which set the pot on the back of the stove with the lid off, to allow the rice to dry and the grains to separate. Remember to boil rapidly from the time you cover the pot until you take it off; this allows each grain to swell to 3 times its normal size and the motion prevents the grains from sticking together. Do not stir it as this will cause it to fall to the bottom of the pot and burn. When properly boiled rice should be snowy white, perfectly dry and soft and every grain separate and alone. Do not add any water after the rice begins to boil. Put a large quantity of water on to boil at first.

Rice Stuffing

Rice Stuffing image

Rice stuffing for roast chicken, or turkey, is considered preferable to the usual bread crumbs. To prepare it, brown 1 chopped onion in a tablespoonful of butter and mix with it 4 cupfuls of cold boiled rice and 1 cupful of bread crumbs that have been moistened in 1 cupful of milk. Season with sage, parsley or other sweet herbs, as desired. Add 1/2 pound of sausage meat, or finely chopped salt pork and salt and pepper to taste.

Rice Griddle Cakes

Rice Griddle Cakes image

1 cup cold rice, 1 tsp. sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 cup milk, 1 cup flour, 2 tsps. baking powder, 1 egg.

More milk may be added. Have batter as thick as the usual griddle cakes.

Spanish Rice

Spanish Rice image

Chop 1 onion fine, fry with 2 level tablespoons of butter, add
1 sweet green pepper also chopped fine and 1/2 pound of rice. Stir
until all are heated through, then add 1 1/2 cups of veal or chicken
stock and set the dish in another one of hot water, and cook the
rice until tender without stirring. This may take 1/2 hour or a
little longer. Add salt and a cup of hot strained tomato, and a
savory dish is ready to serve.