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Mexican Nougat

Mexican Nougat image

2 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup white karo corn syrup
1/2 cup boiling water, pinch salt
Whites of 2 large or 3 small eggs

Boil sugar, syrup, and hot water without stirring until it makes a soft ball in water. Take out 1/2 cup syrup and beat into previously beaten egg whites and salt. Let remaining syrup boil until it makes a hard ball in water, or until it cracks against the cup. Beat two mixtures together,
add nuts and cherries if desired. If latter are used be sure they are wiped perfectly dry.

Candied Orange Peel

Candied Orange Peel image

Remove a, portion of white inner part of orange peel and cut into strips. First boil peel twenty minutes. Then change water and boil twenty minutes more. Change water and boil one hour. Continue to change water and boil till peel is very tender, enough to stick in fork without effort. After last boiling drain and measure. To one cup of peel add 1 1/2 cups of sugar and one cup of water to whole. Boil until syrup hardens when dropped in cold water. Take out each piece separately on a fork and roll in sugar.

Cream Fudge

Cream Fudge image

2 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup cream
2 squares chocolate
Cook cream and chocolate together until latter is melted. Add sugar, cook until it forms a soft ball. Add vanilla and large lump of butter. Let stand until luke warm and then beat until creamy.


Divinity image

2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup karo syrup
1/2 cup water, pinch salt

Boil until syrup threads when dropped from spoon. Pour over stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs. Stir until thick enough to drop from spoon.

Cocoanut Candy

Cocoanut Candy image

Boil together three cups of sugar, one cup of dark karo syrup,
one cup of milk, and a piece of butter the size of an egg, until a drop from the mixture when cooled in a glass of water will clink slightly against the glass. Remove from the fire, add a pinch of salt, and beat until creamy. Then add one cup of cocoanut and pour into a buttered pan to
cool. Cut into squares.


Fudge image

2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup sweet milk
5 teaspoons cocoa, 1 of flavoring
Butter size of walnut

Place all ingredients in a pan over a medium fire and cook. Do not stir until after liquid begins to boil. Cook until it makes a soft ball in water. Remove from fire and place pan in dish of cold water. Leave for
3 minutes, then remove and beat vigorously. Pour into buttered dish.

Walnut Candy

Walnut Candy image

Boil together three cups of sugar, one cup of white karo syrup, one cup of milk and one-half cup of butter until when the mixture is tried in a glass of cold water it forms a ball hard enough to clink against the glass. Remove from the fire and add a pinch of salt and one-half teaspoon of lemon extract. Beat until it is creamy, then add a cup of English walnut meats and pour onto a buttered pan to cool. When cold, cut into squares.

Sugared Popcorn

Sugared Popcorn image

Pop corn, and make a syrup of

2 cups white sugar
6 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon butter

Cook above until it is a golden brown. Pour 4 or 5 quarts of the popcorn into the syrup and mix together quickly. Pour out on a platter to cool. Can be made into balls.


Pinocha image

Beat 2 cups light brown sugar and 3/4 cup milk together for 5 minutes. Bring slowly to a boil, Stirling constantly. Add butter the size of a walnut and stir occasionally to prevent burning. When it forms a soft ball in water remove from fire and let stand in a pan of cold waiter until cool. Beat with wooden spoon until it loses its glossy appearance. Add few drops of vanilla and 3/2 cup nuts, chopped, if desired. Pour onto buttered pan and cut in squares.


Fudge image

2 lbs. sugar
1 can condensed milk
Butter size of walnut
3 squares chocolate, vanilla

Cook until it forms a soft ball. Do not stir. Put kettle in cold water and beat until cool, turn onto buttered pan.