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Walnut Fudge

Walnut Fudge image

One cup granulated sugar, 1 1/2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup milk or cream, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 cup black walnuts, maple or vanilla.
1. Mix sugar, butter, milk and bring to a boil.
2. Add rest of milk and cook gently until soft ball stage.
3. Remove from fire, add nut meats and flavoring and allow to cool until you can place finger in it.
4. Beat and pour into pan.

Karo Fudge

Karo Fudge image

Two cups white sugar, 1/2 cup Karo syrup, 1/2 cup milk, butter size of walnut, 2 tablespoonfuls cocoa, nuts. Cook till it forms solid ball in cold water. Remove from fire. Beat till it thickens.

Butter Scotch

Butter Scotch image

Two cups brown sugar, 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 2 tablespoonfuls vinegar. Boil until it crisps in water. Pour on greased pans.


Fudge image

Three cups sugar, 3/4 cup milk, 1 tablespoonful butter, 4 tablespoonfuls grated bitter chocolate, 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Cook sugar, chocolate and milk until they form soft ball when dropped in cold water. Take from fire and add vanilla and butter. Beat until creamy and begins to set. Pour in buttered tins to cool.

French Candy

French Candy image

Two envelopes Knox acidulated gelatin, 4 cups granulated sugar, 1 1/2 cups boiling water, 1 cup cold water. Soak the gelatin in the cold water 5 minutes. Add the Boiling water. When dissolved add the sugar and boil slowly for 15 minutes. Divide into two equal parts. When somewhat cooled add to 1 part 1/2 teaspoonful of the lemon flavor found in separate envelope, dissolved in 1 tablespoonful water, and 1 tablespoonful lemon extract. To the other part add 1/2 teaspoonful extract of cloves. Pour into shallow tins that have been dipped in cold water. Let stand over night; turn out and cut into squares. Roll in fine granulated or powdered sugar and let stand to crystallize. Vary by using different flavors and colors, and adding chopped nuts, dates or figs.

Two-Minute Fudge

Two-Minute Fudge image

Two squares chocolate, 2 cups sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoonful butter, vanilla. Bring butter, milk and sugar to boiling point, Begin to count 2 minutes while putting in grated chocolate in such a way as not to stop boiling; then set off without jarring and let it get perfectly cold. Beat until creamy.


Fudge image

Two cups sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 1/2 cup Karo syrup, 2 ounces chocolate, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tablespoonfuls vanilla. Method: Cook to soft ball in water, or until it hairs off spoon. Then beat and put in buttered tin.

Walnut Divinity Fudge

Walnut Divinity Fudge image

Two cups sugar, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup white Karo, 1 teaspoonful vanilla, white of 1 egg. Boil sugar, water, Karo until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Beat white of egg until stiff; add half of syrup slowly, beating constantly. Cook remainder until it forms a hard ball in cold water; add slowly to first mixture; add vanilla and walnut meats; turn into buttered pan. Cut when cold. Fine.

Uncooked Cocoanut Cream Candy

Uncooked Cocoanut Cream Candy image

One coconut, ground fine; 2 or 3 pounds confectioner's sugar, or as much as coconut will absorb; vanilla. Roll in balls; dip in melted baker's chocolate, in which is melted a little paraffin. Set on waxed paper to harden.



(Marsapan.) Take 2 cups of confectioner's sugar and beat it into the white of 1 egg, add a cupful of bleached and pounded almonds and a little rose water. Sprinkle the paste board with flour and roll the paste out and cut into diamond shapes, and put aside in a dish to harden.