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Poultry and Stuffing

Poultry and Stuffing image Poultry and Stuffing image

In Jewish homes chicken has become the accepted Sabbath and holiday main dish. This tradition probably began in times of stress when accessibility and economy were prime factors.

The Jewish housewife has been taught by her mother through the ages how to utilize all parts of the chicken in various tasty recipes, always keeping economy in mind.

Only the young tender chickens were roasted, but Mother had a method for the tougher birds. These were usually used to make chicken soup, or cut up and stewed in a fricazee. Nothing was wasted; the giblets were added to the fricazee or put into a stuffing which made the meal go further. And who hasn't tasted a slice of helzel smothered with gravy? Would you think that was once a scrawny piece of neck skin? Chopped liver and its French counterpart pate de fois gras are a gourmet's delight. Mama started it all because she just couldn't bear to throw away any part of the chicken. And even the chicken fat is rendered and treasured by the Jewish housewife down to the last precious drop!

